Source code for bitex.pairs

Includes the base class for crypto currency pairs and the PairFormatter class.

It also provides convencience wrappers for commonly used Pairs: these can be
imported to avoid typos by the user, and can be directly passed to the APIs.

If the pair you want to query isn't present in here, creating such a pair is
simple enough - simply initialize the PairFormatter class with the currencies
you want::

    >>> my_pair = PairFormatter('BaseCurrency', 'QuoteCurrency')

The object ``my_pair`` now takes care of all formatting of any exchange,
supported by Bitex, you pass it to.

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,missing-docstring

# Import Built-Ins
import logging

# Import Third-Party

# Import Homebrew

# Init Logging Facilities
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PairFormatter: """Container Class which features formatting function for all supported exchanges. These Formatter functions apply any changes to make a given pair, pased as quote and base currency, compatible with an exchange. This does NOT include an availability check of the pair. It is therefore possible to format a given pair, even though it is not supported by the requested exchange. """ def __init__(self, base, quote): """Initialize formatter instance.""" self._base = base self._quote = quote self.formatters = {'Kraken': self.kraken_formatter, 'Bitstamp': self.bitstamp_formatter, 'Bitfinex': self.bitfinex_formatter, 'Bittrex': self.bittrex_formatter, 'CoinCheck': self.coincheck_formatter, 'GDAX': self.gdax_formatter, 'ITBit': self.itbit_formatter, 'OKCoin': self.okcoin_formatter, 'C-CEX': self.ccex_formatter, 'Cryptopia': self.cryptopia_formatter, 'Gemini': self.gemini_formatter, 'The Rock Trading Ltd.': self.rocktrading_formatter, 'Poloniex': self.poloniex_formatter, 'Quoine': self.quoine_formatter, 'QuadrigaCX': self.quadriga_formatter, 'HitBTC': self.hitbtc_formatter, 'Vaultoro': self.vaultoro_formatter, 'Bter': self.bter_formatter, 'Yunbi': self.yunbi_formatter, "Binance": self.binance_formatter} def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the stored base and quote currency in proper pair format.""" return self._base + self._quote def __call__(self): """Return currency pair when called.""" return self.__str__()
[docs] def format_for(self, exchange_name): """Format the pair for the given exchange.""" return self.formatters[exchange_name](self._base, self._quote)
[docs] @staticmethod def kraken_formatter(base, quote): """Format the currencies for Kraken. Generally speaking, Kraken prefixes digital currencies with a capital 'X', and fiat Currencies with a capital 'Z'. There exceptions to this rule, unfortunately, which should be handled as well. """ base = 'XBT' if base == 'BTC' else base quote = 'XBT' if quote == 'BTC' else quote format_exceptions = ['BCHEUR', 'BCHUSD', 'BCHXBT', 'DASHEUR', 'DASHUSD', 'DASHXBT', 'EOSETH', 'EOSXBT', 'GNOETH', 'GNOXBT', 'USDTZUSD'] def add_prefix(cur): """Add the correct prefix to the currency.""" if 'BCH' in (base, quote): return cur elif cur in ('USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'CAD'): return 'Z' + cur return 'X' + cur if (base+quote).upper() in format_exceptions: return (base + quote).upper() return add_prefix(base) + add_prefix(quote)
[docs] @staticmethod def bitstamp_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Bitstamp.""" return base.lower() + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def bitfinex_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for bitfinex. Edgecase: ``DASH`` This symbol is shortened to ``DSH``. """ base = 'DSH' if base == 'DASH' else base quote = 'DSH' if quote == 'DASH' else quote return base.lower() + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def bittrex_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Bittrex.""" quote = 'USDT' if quote == 'USD' else quote return quote + '-' + base
[docs] @staticmethod def binance_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Binance.""" quote = 'USDT' if quote == 'USD' else quote return base + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def coincheck_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for CoinCheck.""" return base.lower() + '_' + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def gdax_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for GDAX.""" return base + '-' + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def itbit_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for ItBit. Edge case: ``BTC`` BTC is denoted as ``XBT``. """ base = 'XBT' if base == 'BTC' else base quote = 'XBT' if base == 'BTC' else quote return base + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def okcoin_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for OKCoin.""" return base.lower() + '_' + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def ccex_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for C-CEX.""" return base.lower() + '-' + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def cryptopia_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Cryptopia.""" return base + '_' + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def gemini_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Gemini.""" return base.lower() + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def yunbi_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Yunbi.""" return base.lower() + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def rocktrading_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for The Rock Trading LTD.""" return base + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def poloniex_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Poloniex. Edge Case: ``BTC``, ``USDT`` and ``XMR`` in Quote. As theses symbols have their own markets (several currencies are quoted in them), they must be handled accordingly. """ if ((quote == 'BTC') or (quote == 'USDT') or (quote == 'XMR' and not (base == 'BTC' or base == 'USDT'))): return quote + '_' + base return base + '_' + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def quoine_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Quoine.""" return base + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def quadriga_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for QuadrigaCX.""" return base.lower() + '_' + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def hitbtc_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for HitBTC.""" return base + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def vaultoro_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for Vaultoro.""" return base + '-' + quote
[docs] @staticmethod def bter_formatter(base, quote): """Format currencies for BTer.""" return base.lower() + '_' + quote.lower()
[docs] @staticmethod def poloniex_unformatter(pair): """Unformat the pair for poloniex exchange. Removes seperator, swapps base and quote. """ (base, quote) = pair.split('_') return quote.upper() + base.upper()
[docs]class BTCUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """BTC/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(BTCUSDFormatter, self).__init__('BTC', 'USD')
[docs]class ETHUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """ETH/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ETHUSDFormatter, self).__init__('ETH', 'USD')
[docs]class XMRUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """XMR/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(XMRUSDFormatter, self).__init__('XMR', 'USD')
[docs]class ETCUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """ETC/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ETCUSDFormatter, self).__init__('ETC', 'USD')
[docs]class ZECUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """ZEC/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ZECUSDFormatter, self).__init__('ZEC', 'USD')
[docs]class DASHUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """DASH/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(DASHUSDFormatter, self).__init__('DASH', 'USD')
[docs]class BCHUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """BCH/USD PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(BCHUSDFormatter, self).__init__('BCH', 'USD')
[docs]class ETHBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """ETH/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ETHBTCFormatter, self).__init__('ETH', 'BTC')
[docs]class LTCBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """LTC/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(LTCBTCFormatter, self).__init__('LTC', 'BTC')
[docs]class XMRBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """XMR/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(XMRBTCFormatter, self).__init__('XMR', 'BTC')
[docs]class ETCBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """ETC/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ETCBTCFormatter, self).__init__('ETC', 'BTC')
[docs]class ZECBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """ZEC/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(ZECBTCFormatter, self).__init__('ZEC', 'BTC')
[docs]class DASHBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """DASH/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(DASHBTCFormatter, self).__init__('DASH', 'BTC')
[docs]class BCHBTCFormatter(PairFormatter): """BCH/BTC PairFormatter object.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(BCHBTCFormatter, self).__init__('BCH', 'BTC')
[docs]class XRPUSDFormatter(PairFormatter): """XRPUSD Pairformatter.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Formatter instance.""" super(XRPUSDFormatter, self).__init__('XRP', 'USD')
BTCUSD = BTCUSDFormatter() ETHUSD = ETHUSDFormatter() XMRUSD = XMRUSDFormatter() ETCUSD = ETCUSDFormatter() ZECUSD = ZECUSDFormatter() DASHUSD = DASHUSDFormatter() BCHUSD = BCHUSDFormatter() XRPUSD = XRPUSDFormatter() ETHBTC = ETHBTCFormatter() LTCBTC = LTCBTCFormatter() XMRBTC = XMRBTCFormatter() ETCBTC = ETCBTCFormatter() ZECBTC = ZECBTCFormatter() DASHBTC = DASHBTCFormatter() BCHBTC = BCHBTCFormatter()